Zero Critical чит-файл №2

by Istvan Pely and Bethseda Softworks
Solution by Farah Houston: Version 1.0, March 1999

This is a detailed step-by-step walkthrough, and thus should be
consulted only when you don't mind a complete spoiler. But
that's why you were looking for a walkthrough in the first place,
right? The only general hints about playing the game I can give
is that you know you have solved a puzzle, or series of them, correctly
if the other characters suddenly have moved positions or
areas - this signifies new conversation choices. Make sure to exhaust
all conversation choices with each character you interact
with as this sometimes opens up new puzzles.

I've tried to organize this walkthrough by days in order to not spoil
everything. Keep in mind that the puzzles can be solved
somewhat out of order depending on how you solve them, so you may solve
something in Day Two that I have written as
solved during Day 3. I have written the walkthrough to show the bare
minimum of actions Chatt can take to get through each
day, without including extra or optional actions. There may be optional
puzzles or conversations to be solved in the game that
are not listed here. I do know that you can get humorous reactions from
the other characters by showing them items in your
inventory so feel free to experiment beyond what I have written. For
instance, get the fuse out of the dumpster at the very
beginning of the game. It's only purpose, as far as I can discern, is
to disgust everyone in the game with the fact that you dig in

Table of Contents

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four

Day One

Enter the building, then talk to Vilken and Fayn, exhausting all
conversation choices. When there is nothing left to talk about and
Vilken has given you your security badge, show Dr. Fayn the ITC notice.
Now that you have upset her, go and start
conducting your research. Enter the room directly to the left of Vilken
(Dining Room), go through the door on the left to the
kitchen, and examine the panel on the right of the freezer door. Raise
the temperature to 80 degrees, then enter the freezer.
Click on the body to retrieve the Sym Scanner, make sure to look at the
model (8V). Use the medical scanner on the body to
collect the readings for ITC.

Leave the freezer, and turn the temperature back to ten degrees by
pressing the reset button. I don't know if you need to do
this, but the thought of all of that meat left at 80 degrees made me a
little queasy. Go back out to where Vilken and Fayn are
standing, exit to the right of the screen. Enter the door straight
ahead marked "Computer Lab". Talk to Roger, exhaust all
conversation choices. Use the digitizer on the terminal right behind
Roger for the ITC. Go through the door on the left (System
Admin room) and talk to Myna, again exhausting all conversation choices
- I'm going to stop saying to exhaust these choices
whenever you talk to a character, you should know to do that by now :-)
Show her the Sym Scanner, then leave. Talk to
Roger again.

Go back to where Fayn and Vilken were standing - they're gone now, a
good sign. Whenever characters move you know you
are on the right track. You can check the panel they were blocking, it
lets you know where the other characters are, and can
provide hints on where to look for them. Enter the Dining Room, talk to
Dr. Fayn. Exit through the door to her right, and pass
through the Storeroom to reach Chatt's room. Look at the computer
screen. Then click on the bed, bringing Day One to a

Day Two

Exit Chatt's room and go to the Dining Room. Talk to Roger. Enter the
Kitchen and talk to Magus. Leave that area and go to
the hallway, where you should run into Dr. Fayn and Myna. Talk to Myna,
then to Fayn, then to Myna again. When you are
done talking to them, enter the room marked "Living Quarters" and talk
to Vilken. As long as you are in there, enter into
Myna's room, located through the doorway next to Vilken. Grab her
sleeping pills from the cabinet, the headache pills from the
bottom shelf, and the terminal from the top shelf.

Go talk to Myna in the Sys Admin room. When you are done talking, show
her the Sym Scanner. She will tell you that the
battery you need is 6VSYNCOREBATT, which is incorrect since you are
using the 8V model. Go to the Storeroom, and talk
to Garr. When you are done, use the Auto-Retrieval Part system screen
to his left and enter 8VSYNCOREBATT to get the
battery. Click on the lower portion of the machine to pick it up.
Double click on the scanner to bring up the close-up, then drag
the battery onto it. It should work now.

Go back to the Living Quarters where Vilken is sleeping. Use the Sym
Scanner on him. Now go talk to Myna again. She will
experience a computer malfunction and ask you to fix it. Go back to
Chatt's room and read the message on the computer. Get
the fuse from the box on the desk, then use it on the fuse panel on the
wall. Now that the problem is fixed, return to Myna and
talk to her again. Interesting information about Fayn, perhaps it is
time to talk to her again. Unfortunately, Chatt's badge won't
let you into the main lab where she is. You will need someone else's.
Go into the Dining Room and get a cup of coffee. Use the
sleeping pills on the coffee, then give it to Roger. Leave the room and
immediately go back in. Click on Roger to take his
badge, then use your Sym Scanner on him for good measure.

Take your new badge and enter the Main Lab, located in the Computer Lab
to the right of the door leading to the System
Administration room where Myna sits. Talk to Fayn, then leave the lab
and return to Chatt's room, where Chatt can now fall

Day Three

Read the message on the computer screen. Go to the kitchen and talk to
Roger. Enter the Computer Lab and talk to Garr. Go
back to the Main Lab and click on the computer where Fayn was sitting
the day before. Click the button marked "Power
Room Lock". This should unlock the door to the right. Enter it, then
pick up the piece of paper on the desk. Make note of the
lift combination, CCVC. Go back to the hallway and use the terminal on
the conduit. Enter the lift combination using the
terminal. None of the other combinations on the paper seem to work, so
don't bother trying to enter them. Go back into the
computer lab and use the lift/elevator right next to Garr. Click on the
papers on the floor and pick up the picture.

Magus should be interested in the picture, so go show it to him. He is
working outside of the SATIN complex - go back to the
screen where you started the game and exit it to the right. Show him
the picture, then talk to him. Make note of the coordinates
he gives you, 83-47-01 but finish talking until he has nothing more to
say. Go back down the lift into the Observatory, then exit
out the door to the roof. Use the terminal on the antenna patch-in
conduit and enter the coordinates Magus gave you. Go back
into the Observatory and click on the terminals. When the screen goes
to a close-up, make sure to click on the object so that
you get the message "Some kind of man-made structure. Chatt can reach
it by truck".

Go to the nearest truck, which isn't the one you have seen out by
Magus. Enter the Main Lab and go into the Power Room.
There is a hard to see door directly to upwards of the table where the
paper was. Go through it and enter the Aetobee. Click
on the screen and choose to go to the Unidentified Structure. Once
there, click on the grate to be told it is too dark to see
anything. Backtrack to the research facility and talk to Magus about
it. He will tell you about the location of a power facility. Go
back through the Main Lab Power Room to the Aetobee and go to the
Remote Power Station. Enter the station and click on
the machines located directly to the right of the main computer. One of
the buttons is conveniently marked "site". Click on it,
then return to the Unidentified Structure. It is now lit, so enter it.

There is another hard to see door located on the North wall. Go through
the door to the junction and go to the left. Take the
skull. Go back to the junction and go right this time, there isn't
anything to do here, but make note of what the room looks like.
Go back to the junction and go to the south. Nothing to do here yet, so
keep moving to the left. Talk to Fayn. Go back to the
SATIN project facility and show the skull to Magus. Nothing more to do,
so let's call it a night. Go back to Chatt's room for a
surprise that leads to Day Four.

Day Four

Talk to Myna before leaving the room. Go right back in to find her
sleeping. While she is out, use the Sym Scanner on her.
Uh-oh. Leave the room and go right back in again. Talk to Myna, then
show her the Sym Scanner, this should prompt a
surprised reaction from her, and not the typical one you usually get
when you show her the scanner. Look at Roger's badge
number and note the number 806. Go to the System Admin room and use the
Security Control Console. Click the VIP access
button, then click to add new access. Enter Roger's number. Go to the
VIP Quarters and look at the computer on the table.
Enter the Room B on the right and look at the papers in the briefcase.
Exit Garr's room and enter Fayn's room, Room A. In
there you can read lots of things that give insight into her mental
state, but the most important piece of information at this point is
to note that her husband's name is Roland.

When you are done looking around, go back to the Main Lab where the
SATIN rift has grown to a size large enough to, well,
walk through. Use the computer, and click on the Protection Field
button. The password is Roland, it was nice of her to leave
that hint there, wasn't it? Enter the Rift. Talk to Vilken, notice that
he is in a glamorous version of the room I said to take note of
in the Unidentified Structure. Take the Aetobee back to the
Unidentified Structure, go through the door to the junction and
enter the room on the right. Look out the window and click on the glow
to get the message that Chatt can reach it by truck. Go
back to the Aetobee and choose to go to the Secondary SATIN facility.
Talk to Garr, who should give you a key. Go through
the door on his left and use the key in the slot next to the door.
Click on the chair structure and grate. Go back into the
previous room and exit it by clicking on the bottom of the screen. Talk
to Fayn, then click on the glow. Again, somewhere
Chatt can go by truck. Go back to the truck and choose to go to the
Rift Gate.

Once at the gate, enter the glow. Talk to Myna. Exit through the door
right behind her, and go into the hallway. Exit to the right
of the screen. You should recognize this as a glamorous version of the
hallway you couldn't do anything in during Day Two at
the Unidentified Structure. Click on the closest bottom panel to the
door. It will open up to reveal a power source. Take the
power source and go back to where Myna is. Leave this area by clicking
on the bottom of the screen.

Use the Aetobee to go back to the Unidentified Structure, go to the
junction and go south. Use the battery in the exposed
section that corresponds with the Rift's version where you removed the
battery. Go through the door and click on the pile of
bones. Get the locket. Return to the secondary SATIN facility and give
the locket to Fayn. Tell her to stop the rift, then stop
the rift please and follow the logical conversation choices after that.
Actually, you can exhaust all the conversation choices with
her if you want to at this point it doesn't affect game play one way or
the other. Well, except to be illogical if you choose to tell
her to stop the test after she already has agreed to since this causes
her to turn around and say she won't stop the test.

Take the access card she gives you and return to the Remote Power
Station. Use the access card on the main computer. Keep
clicking on the arrow that leads from the Power Station to Facility Two
until the numbers go from 40-30 to 0-70. Use the
Aetobee to go back to the main SATIN research facility. Enter the Power
room and use the access card Fayn gave you on the
computer on the bottom left of the screen. Click the arrow from the
Main Facility to Facility 2 until the numbers go from 30-70
to 0-100. Exit the Power Room into the Main Lab and talk to Vilken.
Exit the lab into the Computer Lab and use the lift to go
to the Observatory. Exit to the roof, exit the screen to the right.
Talk to Myna, watch the short end sequence and let the credits

The End!

This walkthrough is Copyright щ 1999 by Farah Houston (e-mail: All rights reserved. Not to
be distributed without the author's permission.

Many thanks to L.F. for supplying these cheats!