Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands чит-файл №3

Entering the Temple

From the beginning position in the courtyard, move forward to the green stone
mausoleum. Move

around to the right side of the mausoleum. Enter the mausoleum and click on
the burning candle

and stone sarcophagus for animations. The significance of the violin will
become apparent later in

the game. If you look inside the sarcophagus, there's a friendly note from

Exit the mausoleum and turn left to proceed to the back side of the mausoleum.
Head across the

way to the main temple entrance. Look up to see the door inscription:




Note the wooden demon figurines -- they will be seen again in the save game

Zoom in on the left door and notice the moon-shaped knocker and sun-shaped
plate (the right

door's knocker is missing). Drag the moon piece up to the sun symbol to enter
the temple.

Exploring the Temple

At this point, it is handy to refer to the temple map at the back of the Z
booklet that came with the

game. Move forward, then right to enter the library. Read the several books on
the long table:

Nemesis diary

temple map

references to four elements hidden in the temple

references to alchemical metals

reference to a blue star field

Astronomy for a New Age

correspondences between alchemists and planets

use of the planetarium

Interview with a Grue

see Easter Eggs

The Best of the New Zorker

Alchemy of Pure Love

reference to Quintessence (Philosopher's Stone)

My Best Excesses

Exit the library into the fountain courtyard and proceed all the way left to
the lab entrance. Read

another of Nemesis' diaries (on the right, behind the door). Note the
references to elements hidden

in the temple, the colorlessness of air, and four metals corresponding to the
four elements. In the

center of the lab, look down to see four zodiac symbols, also seen on the
temple map. Climb the

creaky old ladder and check out the picture book to the right. Move into the
back room of the lab

and click on each of the six spinning mouth ornaments for more story
background. On the drafting

table, read the scroll for information on the correspondences of planets,
metals and elements.

Exit the lab and proceed around the fountain courtyard to the hall on the far
side. On entering the

hall, note the painting on the left wall. Click on this painting to get clues
to the puzzles in the temple.

Exit the hall through the doorway opposite the painting and enter an open
courtyard. Examine the

sundial on the far side and take its post.

Re-enter the hallway and turn right to proceed up the stairs into the nave.
Click on each of the four

trapped alchemists and the gold heads for more story background and
correspondences. At this

point, you are ready to attack the four element puzzles indicated by the
corresponding zodiac

symbols in the temple map.

Fire Puzzle

Unlike the other three temple puzzles, this one is located away from the nave
(see the temple map).

Go to the temple library and face south.

Use this sequence to move the tapestries away from the doorway:

Click the left side of the front tapestry

Click the right side of the second tapestry

Click the right side of the third tapestry

Click the lower-left corner of the last tapestry

Proceed through the doorway and down the passage (note those crackling
flames!). On the zodiac

pattern on the door at the end of the hallway, drag the man's head to the fire
symbol (open

triangle). This pattern may also be seen on a table in the lab. After the door
opens, proceed inside.

Zoom in on the sundial and insert the sundial post you are carrying. Drag the
post until the shadow

line falls across the zodiac symbol (h with cross) corresponding to fire. A
door opens on the far

side; enter through it.

Immediately turn right and pick up the mirror. Enter the main part of the
"candle room" and among

the six hooks hanging from the ceiling, place the mirror on the far left one.
This arrangement is the

only one in which an unusual blue-flame candle can be seen in the mirror
reflection. Noting the

relative position of the blue-flame candle in the (reversed) mirror image,
rotate to the right and click

on the disguised blue-flame candle. It is the twelfth candle from the doorway
in the third row from

the top. Click on the blue flame to complete the fire puzzle.

Click on the flaming triangle in the altar, and then zoom in on the
highlighted alchemist (second from

the left). Watch the video sequence inside the coptic cross.

Water Puzzle

On the temple map, the Fire puzzle is located to the west of and a little
behind the altar area. The

entrance consists of stone steps flanking a square ventilation grid.

Proceed up the stairs. You will be thrown out of either of the two doorways
unless the entrance

puzzle is solved. To the south, click on the pan-pipes figurine and listen to
the rising sequence of

notes played (if you can discern them over the background music, that is).
Turn around and set the

water spigots to produce the same sequence of sounds:



A mechanical sound is heard, indicating that the tower may now be accessed
through the left-hand

doorway (the right-hand doorway is a red herring). Note that the game cannot
be saved from the

time the doorway is entered until the final water puzzle is solved.

Enter the room at the top of the stairs. Looking around the room from left to
right, note that the

paintings portray consecutive time periods:

I. Ice Age

II. Bucolic Age

III. Volcanic Age

IV. Temple Construction Age

V. Present Day

VI. The Future (opening scene from "Return to Zork")

Click on the blue hourglass in the center of the room. It will turn into a
chair; sit on it. Turn around

(rotating to the left) and look outside the window -- the view is unchanged.
At this point, each

rotation of the chair to the left will move you back in time one age, as seen
in the view from the

window (and a rotation to the right will move forward in time). Move back to
the Temple

Construction Age, zoom in, and pick up the saw. Continue moving back in time
to the Ice Age.

Use the saw on the icicle in the window to drop it into the blue bowl. Move
forward in time to the

Volcanic Age.

In the Volcanic Age, zoom in to the window (the icicle melts), and then
immediately zoom in on

the blue bowl before the water has a chance to boil away. Immediately click on
the meltwater in

the blue bowl before it disappears.

Click on the altar triangle below the blue bowl of water, and then zoom in on
the highlighted

alchemist (far right). Watch the video sequence inside the coptic cross.

Earth Puzzle

On the temple map, the Earth puzzle is located in the left rear of the nave,
well behind the altar


Proceed to the "skeleton hands" doorway. Open the door by clicking on the
far-left and

third-from-right fingers to expose the zodiac and metal (iron) symbols
associated with the earth


Move forward and operate the gold staircase control lever to descend to the
lower level. Move

forward, turn around and zoom in on the elevator gear mechanism. Turn the
crank to raise the

steps in the staircase. Climb the staircase back to the nave level and then
continue up the staircase

to the tower.

Moving around the tower from left to right, look through each telescope and
note the basic shapes

of each building and its associated symbol:

Building Description Symbol Seen later to be

Rounded turrets, Filled triangle IronDune Castle

buried in sand pointing down

Tall structure with Open triangle Grey Mountains Asylum

guy-wires, surrounded pointing down

by icy mountains

Large building with Filled triangle Frigid River Branch

blue roofs, broken pointing up Conservatory

columns to the side

Many roof Open triangle Steppinthrax Monastery

spines, red sky pointing up

Return to the lower level (via down arrow). Move forward through the open
gates to the end of the

stone walkway. Look through the telescope at the skull-like sculpture with the
elemental symbol for

earth (filled triangle pointing down). Turn around and climb the steps to the
mine train. Activate the

mine car by clicking on the building shape associated with the earth element
(upper right) -- other

selections result in various one-way train rides!

Ride the mine train car to the end of the line. Go up the stone steps to the
right and click on the

black sculpture on the raised platform.

Click on the triangle at the top of the altar, and then zoom in on the
highlighted alchemist (second

from the right). Watch the video sequence inside the coptic cross.

Air Puzzle

On the temple map, the Air puzzle is located in the right rear of the nave,
well behind the altar area.

Move forward into the air-puzzle tower and zoom in on the star chart on the
floor. Using the

following notation (with numbers denoting purple stars and letters blue ones):



3 B E

1 4 6

2 8



click on the following stars in sequence:

Click Blinking Stars

1 2 6 8 A B D

8 1 2 6 A B D E

1 2 A B D E

2 A B E


A beautiful blue bird flies up and a spiral staircase appears; take it up to
the tower.

Incidentally, the colored horns produce sounds of natural disasters:

Horn Sound

---- -----

Red Fire

Yellow Earthquake

Lavender Thunder

Blue Wind

Green Water

and are not required for solution of the Air puzzle.

Move around to the right side of the gas machine in the center of the tower
room. Zoom in on the

color wheel and note the relative proportions:

Red 1 unit

Green 2 units

Blue 2 units

Yellow 2 units

Zoom out, then zoom in on the circular base under the crystal globe. Click on
the black scarab to

darken the room. Return to the control panel on the front of the gas machine
and note that the gas

flows are now visible. Based on the color wheel, the following gas settings
are required:

Green Full on (already done)

Red Half on

Blue Full on

Yellow Full on

Cyan Not used

These settings are made by dragging the levers to the appropriate notches.
However, note that

mouse motion may be extremely sensitive at this point and it may be very
difficult to move the

levers without repeated attempts (and a great deal of patience). It worked
best to start the hand

cursor with the lever in the crook between its thumb and forefinger; if the
hand cursor changed to

an arrow, it was necessary to start the hand-drag over again. Be sure not to
release the mouse

button until the hand cursor has closed its fist in the desired target
position, even if the cursor jumps

around erratically. It may be necessary to actually lift up the mouse and
repeat its track, all while

continuously holding down the mouse button.

Click (only once) on the now-clear crystal globe (there may be very slow
cursor response at this

point). Click on the steaming altar triangle, then watch the video sequence.


Enter the planetarium structure directly behind the altar area. This room is
the main jumping-off

point for the remaining puzzle sections in the game, all of which are outside
the temple (see the

Eastlands map in the Z booklet that came with the game). There may be some

responsiveness problems with the planetarium controls -- see the comments in
the Air puzzle


Drag the left control knob halfway up, then to the right. Put Nemesis' globe
in the now-raised

holder. To activate the planetarium sun, drag the left control knob to the
left, then up.

The right control knob is used to select each puzzle destination:

Conservatory Castle

Monastery Asylum

To select a destination, drag the right control knob until a typewriter-bell
sound is heard at the

appropriate angle indicated above (always in the upper half of the circle).

At this point, the planet

associated with the destination is lit up by the sun in the solar system
model. After a traveling video

sequence, the desired destination is reached. Nearby, there will be a

rotating planet sprite. Click on

this image to return to the planetarium if a different destination is desired.

Here are the CD-ROM's associated with each destination:

Destination CD-ROM

Monastery 2

Conservatory 2

Castle 3

Asylum 3


On arrival at the monastery, go through the doorway to the right, turn around
and pick up the

zorkmid coin lying on the ground. Move through two doorways and up the stone
steps to the

monastery entrance. A sign on the door says the monastery is closed, so you
will need to find an

alternative entrance. Enter the drainpipe on the ground to the right of the
doorway. Turn around

and put the zorkmid into the donation box. Read the "fortunes" from the Gods
of Emotion that

come out of the box:

Symbol Emotion

Black oval with two dots Fear

M-mouth Anger

Horizontal line Boredom

Smile Happiness

Spine diagram Spine

Frowning eyes Suspicion

Note the curse on you if you open the donation box and take back the zorkmid!
However, this

action can be used to produce alternative fortune texts. For more amusement,
check out the

bulletin board on the other side of the walled-up doorway.

Cross the room and go up the steps. Take the plates for the six emotion
symbols from the four urns

in the hallway (the segmented-circle and slanted-claw symbols are not needed
and should be left

behind to avoid unnecessary inventory). Zoom in on each of the Gods-of-Emotion
heads and place

the corresponding symbol plate underneath it. Choices can be made by examining
the facial

expressions and tones of voice of each head:

Fear Anger Boredom

Steps Hallway

Suspicion Spine Happiness

If plates are placed from left to right, they are also in the same order as in
the cards produced by

the donation box. On completion of the plate placements, the heads speak in
turn to produce a

complete rhyme about Yoruk. Make note of the order in which the heads speak:

Sequence Emotion Symbol

1 Anger M-mouth

2 Suspicion Frowning eyes

3 Spine Spine diagram

4 Boredom Horizontal line

5 Fear Black oval with two dots

6 Happiness Smile

Facing the dead-end hallway, take the stairs to the right. Continue straight
on and open the door at

the end of the hall. Enter the room with volcanic floor grates. Move forward
and watch the video

sequence. Note the interesting optical illusion caused by the gold 3 x 3 grid
at the bottom of the

wooden structure.

Turn right and enter the side room. Click on the baptismal for another video
sequence. Click twice

on the floor grate in the back of the room. Click on the note to obtain a
substitution code:

Letter Symbol

O Infinity sign

P Trident with cross at the bottom

E Curvy backwards E with two spirals

N Circle with six dots, cross at the bottom

Return through the fire-grates room to the hallway. Follow the hallway
straight ahead down and up

the steps to the other end. Enter the bell tower and take the spiral wooden
staircase to the top.

Enter the doorway behind the ropes of the bell-ringing mechanism.

Open the solid door third from the end on the right, and enter Alexandria's
room. Explore this

room for clues to the childhood of one of the game's main characters, noting
in particular the

reference to Alexandria's locket and clicking on the front of the music stand
for a video sequence.

Return to the hall (facing Brother Will's room), turn right and proceed
through the double doors at

the end of the hallway into Malveaux' study. An important clue in this room is
Sophia Hamilton's

letter referring to the love between Bishop Malveaux' adopted daughter
Alexandria and General

Kaine's son Lucien. Click on the hookah for a video sequence. Zoom in on the
shelf on the left side

of the room and pick up the gold-framed magnifying glass. Note also Dr.
Sartorius' notes on the

treatment of his father's fatal disease.

Return halfway back down the hallway and notice that the stairs to Malveaux'
quarters are blocked

-- another way in will need to be found. Return to the bell tower and look at
the poster on the wall.

The first five symbols in the sequence for the seventh bell are missing, but
we can infer what they

are from the order of the talking heads.

Move over to the front of the bell-ringing mechanism and press the buttons in
that order, or use the

following diagram:

1 6 - 5 - 2 3

- - - - - - 4 - - -

A rope then descends from a trapdoor in the ceiling. Click on this rope to
ride it up the tower. As

soon as you pass the open window, click on it to exit the bell tower.

Move to the end of the terrace, turn around and enter Malveaux' room. From the
left side (not

front) of the table with the red and blue candles, click on the gold medallion
for a video sequence.

Click the book on the nightstand; note the reference to a marriage between
Alexandria and Lucien.

An essential clue is the order of the flame colors in the picture on the wall
above the bed. Left to

right, they are:




Orange White

Use the magnifying glass on the blurry picture on the bed to derive a skull
orientation sequence:

Facing front

Facing 90 degrees left Facing 45 degrees right Facing 45 degrees left Facing
90 degrees right

Finally, touch the brownish book in the left-hand bookcase to return through a
secret passage to

the main monastery hallway. Move forward to the intersection, then go either
right, right or left, left

to enter the back hallway (behind the secret passage).

Find the entrance to the scriptorium and move to the central bookstand at the
back, where the St.

Yoruk book yields a video sequence regarding the marriage of Alexandria and
Lucien. For the

complete Yoruk legend, check the four books to the left and right of the
central bookstand. The

essential fact (in the last book) is Yoruk's passage through a ring of fire
using a bronze shield

studded with five red rubies.

Proceed to the back of the scriptorium and exit through the open door on the

Move to the central intersection of the walkways and note the circle of
familiar glyphs. Click on

them in the order required to spell out OPEN, or use the following table:

Order Position

1 2 o'clock

2 10 o'clock

3 3 o'clock

4 12 o'clock

A metallic clank is heard, indicating that the gate is now unlocked to the
down staircase off of the

walkway near the gallery entrance. Take this staircase down to the museum
level, and note the

announcement about the theft-prevention system.

Move into the museum, and note the locked trapdoor in the floor. Turn around
and zoom in on the

circular grey stone pedestal. Here, the alarm system may be deactivated and
the trapdoor unlocked

by pressing any of the four knobs. Before returning to the trapdoor, explore
the museum displays

thoroughly and pick up the ruby from Yoruk's shield (next to the snake
sculpture) and the Torch of

the Endless Fire (next to the shield replica).

Open the trapdoor to the crypt. Click on the mummies to left and right for
interesting comments.

Move forward into the crypt, where you will see a large stone tower. Take the
stairs down and

then to the right. Go through the open gate and light the torch you are
carrying from the lit one on

the wall. Move to the sarcophagus in the back of the room.

Zoom in on the nameplate on the front of the sarcophagus. Brush off the soot
to reveal Yoruk's

name. Zoom out and open the lid of the sarcophagus. Get inside it and close
the lid. Put the ruby

you are carrying into the center hole in the shield under the lid. Take the
shield. Open the lid and

get out of the sarcophagus. Put your lit torch in the wall receptacle.

Exit the room and go back up the stairs. Continue to the right into the
red-glowing room. Mouse

action may be slow here due to the detailed flames animation. Move forward
until you encounter

the wall of flame. Click the shield on the flames to extinguish them.

Move forward, then turn right and zoom in on the five-skulls puzzle. By
clicking on the left or right

eye sockets, position the skulls using the orientation sequence from the book
on Malveaux' bed.

This will open a secret door behind you. Enter through it into Malveaux'

Move to the alcove on the left and pick up the gold key and scrap of metal. Go
to the equipment

with the lion's head and spiral tube. Turn left and zoom in on the rectangular
wall hatch. Open it and

insert the key into the slot. Turn the key to wind up the metal-compression
apparatus. Zoom out

and move the control knob at the right of the hatch to open the egg-shaped
device on the left. Put

the twisted metal scrap into the receptacle. Click the control knob twice and
retrieve the

now-spherical metal.

Zoom out and move to the opposite side of the room where the acid-bath
apparatus is located. Put

the metal ball into the basket suspended above the boiling liquid. Zoom out
and move the weights

at the end of the rope to immerse the metal in the bath. Retrieve the
now-white metal ball from the


Cross over to the opposite side of the room. Turn the wheel on the valve for
the lower pipe

connected to the central column in the room. This starts the flow of lava
through the pipe. Turn

around and face the lion's-head heating apparatus. Touch the flame control
panels to set up the

flames in the color order described in the picture on the wall of Malveaux'
bedroom (the "white"

flame actually appears purplish).

Drop the metal ball into the lion's mouth. Quickly move down to the exit pan
and pump the bellows

(if you dawdle, the metal will cool and you will have to start the procedure
all over).

Click on the metal zodiac symbol and change CD's at the prompt. Watch the
video sequence,

noting the progress of the solar eclipse. Click on the zodiac symbol suspended
above the altar.

Zoom in on the central bowl and watch the video sequence of Malveaux' death.
Zoom out and then

zoom in on the highlighted alchemist (second from the left). Watch the video
sequence inside the

coptic cross.


The music during the traveling video to the Conservatory is reminiscent of
Return to Zork.

On arrival at the Conservatory, enter through the doorway and turn right. Move
straight past the

orchestra setup on the left and note the Z'orchestra diagram next to the

gederaglini frobophone

nambino miano

wertmizer popperkeg

violin fleezle

On the other side of the archway is a phonograph.

Pass through the archway and open the door at the end of the short hallway.
Move into the lobby

and cross it to the open doorway opposite the large window of the ticket
booth. Enter the

Conservatory office. Zoom in on the wooden box on the side table with the
lighted blue lamp.

Open the box and pick up the tuning fork. Turn to the right and proceed to the
piano bench. Zoom

in on the small red box above the keyboard and insert the tuning fork. Touch
the tuning fork and

listen to the A undertone -- you need to match it on the piano keyboard

Piano Keyboard

Press the A key that is the sixteenth complete white key from the right. Move
around to the back

of the piano and zoom in to the inside. Take the key. Zoom out, turn right and
look at the green

book on the stand. This book illustrates some of the Z'orchestral instruments,
as does the Z book

that came with the game.

Move around to the back side of the desk and check the bottom drawers for
notes. Zoom in on

the desktop and put the key into the socket in the lamp. Pull the lamp chain
to disclose a map of

Hamilton's secret laboratory. Note the arrows moving down from the boiler room
beneath the prop

room under the stage and out to the right. Also of interest are the procedural
notes written in the


PREPARE the Boiling Solution SEED with Crystal

PURIFY the Crystal

RING the Notes Together

To the right of the side table where you found the tuning fork, zoom in on the
phonograph album

bin. Flip through them and take the last two:

Introduction to the Orchestra

Alexandria Wolfe Debut Album

Return to the lobby and exit through the door to the left of the stairs
(marked "Practice"). Put the

Introduction album (all-blue label) on the phonograph and crank it up. For
some interesting

messages from Nemesis and Hamilton, play the album backwards by clicking on
the direction

switch in the shadows of the left corner:

Paul is dead


I'm such a bitch

Mom always said, "Oooh, smokin'!"

Play the Introduction album forwards to get an idea of the sounds of the eight

instruments. For additional clues, you can click on the instruments themselves
on the raised

orchestral platform in the same room as the phonograph. Then, play
Alexandria's album

(green-and-blue label) forwards and pay close attention to the Standard
Zorkian Conclusory

Fanfare at the end:

popperkeg nambino popperkeg wertmizer violin

Turning now to the raised orchestral platform, put each instrument on the

chair of its corresponding

Z'orchestral section, using the layout from the diagram on the wall and the
following instrument


Instrument Appearance

violin typical

nambino copper-colored drum with gold rings, membrane facing up

miano C-shaped lyre with about seven strings

fleezle clarinet bent into a U-shape

popperkeg purplish-brown tube with bulge in the middle and shiny

brass endcap

frobophone unwrapped French horn

gederaglini two-ended thin green horn with blue bulge in the middle

wertmizer central keyboard with white bellows at each end

When all instruments have been correctly placed, you will hear an orchestra
tuning up, followed by

Sophia Hamilton describing the Harmony of the Spheres to Alexandria:


Return to the lobby and take the stairs up to the second level (use the left
staircase from the

landing). Proceed around the balcony to the right and enter the pupils'
dormitory. Move all the way

to the right, into Alexandria's section. On the dresser, zoom in on the

mirror and inside the music

box for video sequences. Check the letters from Lucien and Malveaux under

the floorboards.

>From the scrapbook on the bed, take the last concert poster.

Return to the balcony, then turn right and explore Hamilton's room. In the
Alchemy book on the

purple sofa, note the reference on the second page to the Harmony of the


There are various letters on the dressing table. Click on the bathtub behind
the screen for an

interesting video sequence. Return back downstairs to the lobby.

At the foot of the stairs, turn left and replace the torn concert poster

with the one in your inventory.

This opens the auditorium entrance. Put all record albums from your

inventory back into the record

bin in the Conservatory office -- you won't be needing them any more (click

on the upper part of

the rear wood panel after all the albums in the bin have been tilted

forward). Exit the office and

pick up your concert ticket from the ticket booth. Be sure to note that your
seat is in Box C.

Enter the auditorium by clicking your ticket on the closed doors and then
opening them again. Take

the stairs up to the second balcony (two full floors up from the lobby

level) -- the second staircase

can be seen if you move to the right and then turn around. Enter Box C (the
doors on this level are

labeled). Zoom in on the table and use the opera glasses to watch Alexandria
complete the concert

(except for the Standard Zorkian Conclusory Fanfare) -- Lucien appears to be
her only audience!

Return to the lobby level and move forward into the darkened orchestra pit.
Pick up the baton.

Using the Z'orchestral layout and fanfare sequence, use the baton to

complete the concert. Watch

for cursor highlights to let you know which of the darkened Z'orchestral
sections you are directing.

Move forward from the conducting dias into the stage area. Turn right and

enter the backdrop

control room. Check the clipboard on the desk and note that the only

backdrops with access holes

on the right are the fifth (checkerboard courtyard) and seventh (straw hut).
All other backdrops

need to be raised, so after turning on power to the control panel with the

red button, press all blue

buttons except the first and third from the right. Zoom out and move through
the holes in the

backdrops to the rear of the stage. At the blank easel, turn around and

descend the stairs between

the railings.

In the prop room, move between the swan and the large blue drum. Face away

from the drum and

operate the crank. Turn around again and descend to the boiler room by

bursting through the drum.

Look down and zoom in on the floor hatch. Pick up Alexandria's locket --

oops, it's dropped into

the water! Dive into the water -- you then have only a limited time to look
down, get the locket,

and then rotate around to exit through the doorway (mouse responsiveness may

be sluggish at this


You have now entered Hamilton's laboratory, and are treated to the haunting
closing theme of Zork

Nemesis. Turn right and move between the blue crystal and green sculpture to
the hatchway in the

corner. Go through this hatchway back in to the boiler room. Move left to

the heat control levers

on the wall. Put Alexandria's locket on the second lever from the left to

hold its valve in an open

position, providing heat through the pipes into the laboratory. Return to

the laboratory through the

furnace door you exited.

Immediately turn right and check the laboratory map on the wall. Note the
positions of the

sacred-note crystals (the other blue crystals are red herrings). Also, the
position of a wall alcove of

green crystals is indicated next to the D crystal.

Take the white calcium bromide tablet from the mouth of the green sculpture.
Pick up a green

crystal from the wall alcove. Put both the crystal and the tablet into the
firepit. Next, touch the blue

crystals in the correct order: C D E B. Move back to the firepit and touch

the clear crystal for the

final note (G) of the sequence.

Zoom in to the firepit. Click on the metal zodiac symbol and change CD's at

the prompt. Watch the

video sequence, noting the progress of the solar eclipse. Click on the

zodiac symbol suspended

above the altar. Zoom in on the central bowl and watch the video sequence of
Hamilton's death.

Zoom out and then zoom in on the highlighted alchemist (at the far right).
Watch the video

sequence inside the coptic cross.


On arrival at IronDune, click the control lever to take the elevator inside

the castle. Move forward

and descend the stairs either to the left or the right. Enter the doorway
centered under the

staircases. Enter the room and pick up the broken sword on your right. Take

it to the fireplace in

the central part of the room and attach it to the broken end of the sword

blade on the mantel;

watch the video sequence. Pick up the now-complete sword and exit the room

back to the circular

entry area.

Move to the doorway at the foot of the left set of stairs. Note the style of
the displayed suit of

armor. Zoom in on it and put the sword into its scabbard in order to open

the door to the weapons


In the weapons room, note the stained-glass windows depicting five styles of

Style Location Helmet

Basket facemask, Outside Thaddeus' room Closed spined shoulders

Samurai Weapons room Closed

Conquistador Opposite weapons room Open

Roman Outside Lucien's room Open

Traditional, Outside weapons room Closed

with breast plates

Return to the entry area and take the first (right-hand) stairs up to the
first landing. Turn right and

take the side stairs up to Lucien's room landing. Open the helmet of the suit
of armor. Enter

Lucien's room. Pick up the bag of gunpowder under the armoire (there's also a
letter there). Go to

the blank easel opposite the fireplace and use its paintbrush to uncover the
military code on the


1.Build Bridge 2.Ambush

3.Dig Trenches 4.Latrine Cleaning 5.Coup d'Etat

6.Infiltrate & Destroy 7.Serve Mess

8.Burn & Pillage 9.Split the Troops


11.Drop Thaddium

12.Verify Message

There are a number of other items of interest in Lucien's room, including
letters from Alexandria

and a draft notice.

Exit Lucien's room and continue up the stairs to the far right. At the top
landing, turn right and enter

the games room. On the wall to the left, note the controls for the automatic
pool table:

First Button:
Candles and Broomsticks

Second Button:

Shaving a Cat

Third Button:

Fishing in the Desert

Fourth Button: Triple Splitter

Fifth Button: SHOOT!

Play each pool game by first pressing the game setup button (1 through 4) and
then pressing button

5 to shoot. Note the final sequence of pool balls at the end of each game:

Game Ball Sequence

Candles and Broomsticks 1 7 4 3 5 9

Shaving a Cat 4 7 1 3 9 5

Fishing in the Desert 7 4 1 9 5 3

Triple Splitter 4 3 5 9 7 1

Exit the games room and descend the stairs to the right. At the first large
landing, close the helmet

on the suit of armor. Rotate right and enter Thaddeus' room. Check the desk
drawers. In the left

one, take the vial of nitro. Also note the poem referring to the suit-of-armor
code for gaining access

to the castle dungeon. Use the vial of nitro to open the trunk at the foot of
the bed. Inside is a red

scroll describing how to break the IronDune siege, with references to some of
the military actions in

Lucien's painting code. The blue scroll contains the Eastlands map from the Z
booklet that came

with the game. There are other items of interest in Thaddeus' room, but none
critical to further


Exit Thaddeus' room and continue down the stairs to the near left. At the foot
of the stairs, turn

right and continue down into the circular entry area. Immediately turn right
and open the helmet on

the conquistador suit of armor. If the samurai suit of armor in the weapons
room has its helmet

closed (the default), a mechanical sound will now be heard and the way to the
dungeon is open.

Cross the entry area and enter the weapons room.

You can now proceed into the dungeon through the doorway off to the left of
the weapons room.

If you activate the torture devices, you will obtain some of the military
codes from Lucien's painting:

9: Split the Troops

6: Infiltrate & Destroy 12: Verify Message

10: Distraction

1: Build Bridge

However, these gruesome tasks (and indeed the entire suit-of-armor code quest)
are completely

unnecessary since the five correct codes (and in the right sequence) are
clearly marked on the

inside cover of the Z booklet that came with the game:

10 1 9 6 12

Return to the hall where you found the sword. At the entrance, turn left and
zoom in on the rear of

the metal dog sculpture (cannon). Open the hatch and drop the bag of gunpowder
you are

carrying. Move around to the muzzle and use the ear switch to load the
bones-ammunition from the

dish. Go back to the rear area and use the tail lever to fire the cannon. This
has the effect of

opening the far door to the library.

Enter the library and, if desired, check out the animated military tableaux.
However, the essential

one is the second from the right (Battle in Progress), which houses a command
radio for the battle

raging outside IronDune castle. Enter the 5-number military code sequence and
press the red Enter

button. Return to the weapons room. Move to the Age of Kaine area on the
right, where a display

case has been broken open.

Zoom in on the display case. Press on the lights on the neck of the canister
to open it. Open the

dark cylinder and transfer the Thaddium core to the canister; close the
canister. At this point, you

have only a limited time to find a proper receptacle for the canister (in the
tank's power source).

Immediately return to the circular entry area and exit through the main doors
directly across from

the stairways, past the Old Soldier. Proceed forward into the tank and place
the canister in the

purple-blue receptacle. Be sure to close the lid.

Turn around and enter the appropriate code (Fishing in the Desert) into the
tank's control panel.

Click on the joystick on the right. Exit the tank when it stops. Zoom in on
the Mold Primer and

configure it for Kaine's zodiac symbol. Pull the handle and remove the mold
from the drawer. Enter

the elevator at the back of the room.

Take the elevator down and exit to the right. Again, there is a limited amount
of time to complete

the following tasks. Zoom in on the control panel on the right. Press the
large red power button,

and then these four of the grid buttons:


| | | | X | +---+---+---+---+

| X | | | | +---+---+---+---+

| | X | | X | +---+---+---+---+

This establishes a good median temperature for the iron forging process. Zoom
out. Move forward

and zoom in to the central machine. Put the mold you are carrying into the
brown tray. Click on the

ARM button, then on the FAN button. Finally, zoom in on the cooled metal piece
and click on it.

Change CD's at the prompt. Watch the video sequence, noting the progress of
the solar eclipse.

Click on the zodiac symbol suspended above the altar. Zoom in on the central
bowl and watch the

video sequence of Kaine's death. Zoom out and then zoom in on the highlighted
alchemist (second

from the right). Watch the video sequence inside the coptic cross.


WARNING: This location involves certain tasks, imagery and sounds that some
players may find

repulsive. If children are playing the game, parental discretion is strongly
advised. If you wish to

skip the walkthrough of this part of the game and obtain the information
derived from it, link here.

On arrival at the asylum, enter Floor 01 through the open doorway. The first
door on the left is the

records room; click twice on the flashlight on the rear table for a video
sequence. Check the

records in the drawers.

Move to the opposite side of the central core and take the elevator down to
the B level (don't

forget to close the elevator doors and use the red power button before
selecting a destination

floor). Open the elevator doors and enter the morgue. Position yourself in the
back right corner and

face the right-hand wall. Open the drawer fourth from the corner in the third
row from the bottom.

Remove the cadaver and close the drawer. Turn around and put the body into the
rectangular box

in the bloody alcove. Move to the control panel in the center of the room and
face back toward the

alcove. Zoom in on the controls and click on each of the three levers from
left to right. Return to

the alcove and pick up the decapitated head. Save your game at this point.

Take the elevator back to Floor 01 and enter the first door on the right. Move
forward and put the

severed head on the spiked stand. Press any of the five red buttons to hear
what the talking head

has to say; the button at the lower left discloses the first part of the safe

First part of safe combination: 36-24-36

Turn around and get the safe (it looks kind of like a bottle) out of the
freezer in the corner. Turn

right and face the X-ray machine.

Put the safe where the X-ray gun can illuminate it. Turn on the X-ray using
the yellow-tipped lever.

Zoom in to the safe to disclose a key inside and the rest of the safe

Second part of safe combination: 20-18

Turn off the X-ray machine, then zoom into the top of the safe. Enter the full

36-24-36-20-18. Remove the red beaker.

Cross to the opposite side of the room and place the beaker in the mechanical
arm. Zoom in on the

glass bowl and retrieve the key. Return to the elevator in the main core and
use the key to reach

Floor 20.

Enter the doorway opposite from the elevator. Move forward into the room. Zoom
in on the open

doorway to the right for a video sequence. Other information is available on
the table to the left. Sit

in the Thousand-Fingers chair. Move forward and exit the room. Open and enter
the first door on

the left (this must be done while you are still under the "influence" of the
chair). You are now in

another elevator; take it up to Floor 21.

There is quite a bit of information on Floor 21, but in particular be sure to
obtain the rubber

hammer from the bed in the center of the back wall, move the switch on the
asylum model to the

right, and note the Purification of Tin procedure in The Blood Alchemist book:

Purification of Tin +-----------------------+ | Given that Flourine |

| is Present in This |

| Atmosphere: | +=======================+

| Helium Raises | +-----------------------+

| Oxygen Alone Is |

| Without Effect | +-----------------------+ | Hydrogen and Oxygen |

| Burn Cooly and |

| Create Water | +-----------------------+

Exit out the back door of the room, into the circular gallery (some gruesome
images here). Move to

the left and face right. Break the glass with the rubber hammer. Take the
severed hand and use it to

open the electrified keypad at the gallery entrance -- press any of the 9 keys
(thanks to Steven C.

Den Beste for lending a hand here).

Enter the core and take the ladder up to Sartorius' laboratory. Fill, then
empty the sink to charge

the batteries. Move the oxygen tank lever left and the hydrogen tank lever
right. Zoom out and use

the electrical switch to the right of the glass globe; the molten metal falls
into the mold. Move the

oxygen tank lever right. Zoom out and use the electrical switch again; the
metal cools. Move the

helium tank lever right. Zoom in and click on the metal zodiac piece.

Watch the video sequences, noting that the solar eclipse is nearly at hand.
Resist the urging of the

four alchemists to drink the Elixir of Life. When Lucien gives you the gold
ring, click on it.

Final Quest

Face the left-hand fountain in the center of the courtyard. Click on the right
elephant's tusk to turn

off the water. Zoom in on the sun/hand ornament and use Lucien's ring on it to
enter the

subterranean crypt. Move forward into the center of the eye structure to enter
the tomb. Note the

orientation of figures in the interior:

Wolfman Elephant


Snake Dragon


Zoom in to the sarcophagus from the rear and click on it for a video sequence;
Alexandria's ring

appears. Click Lucien's ring on Alexandria's; they turn into a pair. Put the
rings into the bowl in

front of the dragon, then click on either the gold triangle or the dragon's
eye. Collect the disk of

molten metal and put it into the tray in front of the elephant. Click on the
gold triangle. Pick up the

blob of cooled metal and put it into the snake's mold. Click on the ruby
triangle. Collect the molded

result and put it into the receptacle in front of the wolfman.

Return to the elephant's location, turn around and face the sarcophagus. Move
up and forward to

disclose a copper-colored magic wand. Take the wand to the wolfman and put it
into his raised

hand. Click on the gold metal and watch the video sequence.

Zoom in on the altar from the walkway overhead. Quickly click the fused rings
on Alexandria's

body; watch the final video sequence.

For game credits, exit the courtyard through the open gates, turn around and
click on the ripped





Temple Map Eastlands Map

Game Proficiency Levels

Tasks Completed Title Task

0 Adept

1 Novice Element

2 Apprentice Element

3 Scientist Element

4 Doctor Element

5 Seer Metal

6 Evoker Metal

7 Diviner Metal

8 Alchemist Metal

9 Master of Alchemy Final Quest

Easter Eggs

Type "chloe" at any time.

Type "hello sailor" at any time.

(from the comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure newsgroup)

General Notes and Comments

Zork Nemesis is extremely rich in detail, offering a wealth of background
information in

nearly every location, all of which adds much to the overall atmosphere and
"feel" of the

game. Expect each location in the game to provide a full evening's gameplay.
Most of the

essential clues are described in this walkthrough, but other clues have been
left to the player

to discover. These include notes, letters, photos, books, pictures on the wall
and other hints,

highlights and hotspots. Also, the overall plot and details on the
interactions between

characters are left for the player to experience and interpret. Some puzzles
may have

alternate solutions. Important information may be found in the Z booklet that
came with the

game -- be sure to read it thoroughly!

The game is encountering some controversy among players as a result of certain

areas in the gameplay, particularly the guillotine in the Asylum. Although
that device is not a

new idea (the Shivers game had one as well), its presentation may be
considered too graphic

by some players. If desired, some of the clues in this walkthrough can be used
to bypass

these areas of the game.

This walkthrough pertains to the DOS version of the game.

The game starting sequence is very quick -- just hit the space bar at the
Activision logo to go

to the main menu, and then make a single mouse click to bring up the
restore-game menu.

This design is very enjoyable in comparison with other contemporary games.

Continuity in the game is excellent -- if an object is placed or the
environment altered in

some way (such as opening a door), virtually all subsequent screen

shots are updated with

the change.

A couple of bad logic errors were found in the game. First, the icicle from
the Ice Age in the

Water puzzle didn't melt if it was examined in the Bucolic (Frobozzolithic)
Age, but clearly

the air would be warm enough. Second, the dead hand used to get past

the electrified

keypad on Asylum Floor 21 shouldn't really work -- a dead hand will conduct

quite well, as the hand animation showed before it was removed from the
window. Don't

feel bad if you got stuck on that one!

You cannot save or restore a game if you are currently zoomed in on a closeup.

you can quit the game from any position. The save game overwrite

warning has a minor

word wrap typo.

Be sure to dump unneeded inventory (musical instruments, for example) before

the corresponding metal puzzle, so that unnecessary inventory searching

is avoided in the

future. Since the puzzles may be played in any order, inventory from

one location is never

needed elsewhere.

Occasional problems were encountered with using the mouse to drag an

item in the game.

Faulty lip sync was noticed in several locations, particularly in the endgame
sequence with

Lucien and Alexandria together.

Momentary sound dropouts were noticed on the Conservatory phonograph.
Shouldn't the

"Introduction to the Orchestra" album be titled "Introduction to the

The animal cannon in IronDune is clearly meant to be a dog, but in

Kaine's notes is referred

to as a cat (or, maybe it's a cat that likes to eat bones).

In the first military tableau on the left in the IronDune library (Fort
Griffspotter), it's

impossible to hear the narration over the waterfall sound. However, the
narration in all other

tableaux is fine.

"Monastery" was misspelled on the Eastlands map in the Z booklet that

came with the game.

In letters and notes, the Grey Mountains were sometimes spelled "Gray"

and "Sophia" was

sometimes spelled "Sofia".

The Flood Control Dam (F.C.D.) is called #3 on the Eastlands map, but shows up
as #7 in

the opening video sequence for the Conservatory. Also, there are references to
dam #678 in

letters from Kaine (however, this may refer to a location away from the

The Yoruk legend book has the five shield rubies in an X-shaped

pattern. However, the

actual shield from the crypt has the rubies arranged in a cross pattern.

Table of Contents



Copyright (c) 1996 Balmoral Software. Portions copyright (c) 1996 Activision,

Aaron Nanto