Пророк и убийца 2: Тайна Аламута чит-файл №2

The Secrets of Alamut
(The Third Episode of the Pilgrim Trilogy)

By Randy Sluganski

After watching the beautiful opening cinematic, which is a recap of the events
the pivotal events of the first game, The Legend of the Prophet and the
you find yourself seated in front of a desert campfire.

The Acid Room

Speak to each of the three characters until you acquire all the information you
need about the old man of the mountain.

After a ride on horseback through the canyon, you find yourself in front of a

Go forward and enter the cave. Stop when you reach the first of the green wells.
Turn left and pick up three stones.

There 12 wells in total. You can throw stones in them to discover which contain
acid water, or you can follow this pattern:

10 11 12
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

Wells 2, 3, 6, 7, and 10 are filled with acid water. There is a flask to the
right of well 9 that we need. Your starting point will have you standing in
of well 2. To get the flask go left, forward, right, forward, right, grab the
flask, go forward, forward, then turn left and fill the flask in well 10. Now
turn around and use the acid-filled flask on the lock on the door.

The Room of Spikes

Walk forward between the three columns and fill your now-empty flask with the
liquid. Go forward toward the door. The insignia on the door is divided into
quarters. Click the red-filled flask on the top left quarter twice. Now click
once on the bottom left quarter.

Go back to the columns and fill the flask with the blue liquid. Return to the
door and click the blue-filled flask on the top right quarter twice. Now click
once on the bottom left quarter.

Go back to the columns and fill the flask with the yellow liquid. Return to the
door and click the yellow-filled flask twice on the top right quarter. Now click
once on the bottom right and the door will open.

The Pit of Fire

You are now facing a pit of fire. Look down for a written clue as to how to
the end of the pit, or do the following. Click to the left and you will get an
overview of the pit and your character. The following jumps must be made quickly
or the wall will push you into the fire.

You begin on the first stone on the left side of the pit. Jump to the right.
forward 2 squares. Jump forward 1 square. Jump to the left. Jump forward 2
squares. Jump to the right. Jump forward 1 square. Jump forward 2 squares. Jump
to the left. Jump forward 2 squares.

The Prison

There is now a four-faced idol in front of you. Click on the front of the idol
three times. Walk to the left of the idol and click three times on that side.
should now fall into a prison yard.

To escape from the prison yard, first get the bowl from the ground. Go to the
balance on the wall (there is a bowl on each end). When you click on the
an arrow will appear at the left of the balance. Scroll your cursor down, and
left bowl of the balance will fill itself with water. Now put the bowl from your
inventory in the water below the balance and then use your lighter on the oil-
filled bowl. You can now enter the Sarcophagus.

The Hall of Planets

Walk to the end of the hall. There is a door on the left that you cannot enter.
Look down, and you will see flagstones with inscriptions of the planets on them.
The flagstones must be rearranged in the top row in the following order from
to right: Sun, Saturn, Venus, Jove, Mercury, Mars, Moon.

The door to the left will now open.

The Houries

Walk to the statue in the center of the valley. You are surrounded by five
caves, each of which is inhabited by a Hourie. Once you present a gift to each
the five Houries, you will be rewarded with a kiss that will open the path to
Old Man of the Mountain.

Take the jewels from the base of the statue. Now put the jewels in the face of
the statue in the following order: red ruby in the mouth, blue emerald in the
eye, yellow jade in the ear, green sapphire in the nose, and brown coral in the
hand. All of the caves will open, revealing Houries frozen in stone. Take the
jewels from the face of the statue (they now remove as one).

From the entrance leading into the valley, there are five caves from left to
right. Go to the first cave and take the incense branch and the veil; go to the
second cave and take the peacock feather; go to the third cave and take the
spatula; go to the fourth cave and take the bird cage; go to the fifth cave and
take the grapes. Go back to the statue and use the spatula on the fire.

You must now bring the five Houries to life. Once they are revived, you must
them. It is very important that you click at the bottom of the screen to escape
from their liplock; you will die if their kisses last too long.

Now go back to the first cave and put the grapes in the Hourie's hand. Go to the
second cave and put the jewels in the Hourie's hand. Go to the third cave and
the bird cage on the stand to the left of the Hourie. Put the veil on the bird
cage. Go to the fourth cave, put the hot spatula in the bowl, and then use the
incense branch to fan the hot embers. Go to the fifth cave and put the peacock
feather in the Hourie's hand. You can now exit through the previously blocked

The Old Man of the Mountain

Talk to the Old Man of the Mountain. When he asks you to kill a man for him,
answer yes.

After a cutscene, your guide will demand you read the letter given to you by the
Old Man. Read the letter to discover the identity of the man you must kill.
Answer no, and then after another cutscene, speak to the men around the fire
until you are given the second talisman part.

In your dream, choose Taleb the Metalworker to defend you. After you awaken,
speak with your comrades again.

The Ruins

Respond to the voice by clicking toward the temple ruins. Answer yes and then
click on the well. Pick up the apple core from the ground. After throwing the
core, you can see a man sitting at the top of the column. You can ask him a few
questions, but he will only speak on his own terms. Pick up the rope and linen
bag on the ground and then walk toward the ruins. Pick up the large rock and
walk back toward the tree next to the column. Look up and then use the rope of
the top branch. Now look at the bottom of the rope. Click the linen bag on the
ring on the left side of the rope and click the stone on the right side. Speak
the man and then click on the sun.

Outside the Monastery

Outside the monastery, go to the left twice, then back once to the right, and
then forward. You must do this quickly or the eagle will attack. Click on the
rope. Speak to the monk high above. After you ask him about the poison cure, he
will raise you into the monastery.

Talk to the monk two more times. After he leaves, click on the metal ring in the
wall. Take the bag; you will now have 12 red sticks and 30 white sticks in your

Read the inscription on the crypt and then exit the room. Enter the door
across from you and cross to the bookcase. Ignore the door on the left for now.

Click on the bookcase. To the left is a trunk. Open the trunk, remove the
and read Simon's letter. Take the skull off the shelf and then click the skull
the hourglass to the right of the skull. Take the rung.

Click on the books on the shelf. Inside are clues to solve the next series of

Cross to the door on the left. Click on the knight to the left of the door and
use the rosary on the iron key.

Click on the sun disk and then click on the sun beams in the following order:
X, IX, XI, IV. Now click on the new ray at the top to get a gold key.

To the right of the door is a painting of a ladder. Click the rung from your
inventory on the top of the ladder to get the copper key.

Now click on the rug on the floor to reveal a coffin. Use the white and red
sticks from your inventory to solve this puzzle and acquire a bone key.

There are nine squares; each square has five rows. Starting from the top and
going from left to right:

Square 1 Square 2 Square 3
Square 4 Square 5 Square 6
Square 7 Square 8 Square 9

Square 1 has one red peg in the first row and 4 white pegs in the fourth row.

Square 2 has one red peg in the first row, four white pegs in the fourth row,
five white pegs in the fifth row.

Square 3 has one red peg in the first row and two white pegs in the second row.

Square 4 has two red pegs in the second row and three white pegs in the third

Square 5 has two red pegs in the second row, one white peg in the first row, and
four white pegs in the fourth row.

Square 6 has two red pegs in the second row, three white pegs in the third row,
and four white pegs in the fourth row.

Square 7 has three red pegs in the third row, one white peg in the first row,
white pegs in the second row, and five white pegs in the fifth row.

Square 8 has three red pegs in the third row and one white peg in the first row.

Square 9 has three red pegs in the third row, two white pegs in the second row,
and four white pegs in the fourth row.

Stand in front of the door again and use the iron key in the lower left keyhole,
the gold key in the upper left keyhole, the copper key in the upper right
keyhole, and the bone key in the lower right keyhole. A new keyhole will open in
the center of the door.

Take all four keys from the keyholes, and they will reform as one key in your
inventory. Use this new key in the center of the door.

The Church

You are now in an antechamber of a church. Go through the double wooden doors
into the cathedral. Walk forward three times and then turn to the right until
see a door. Enter the room and look at the tiles on the floor. Use your dagger
the second tile from the bottom left. Use the drag icon until the tile pops out
and then take the round box.

Go back into the cathedral and cross to the other side of the room, walk forward
two steps, then look at the picture on the pillar. (You should be standing
between the pillar and the wall, not in the center of the room.) Click on the
picture to find a square box that will automatically combine with the round box
in your inventory to create a secret box. Go back to the antechamber.

Go through the single wooden door and use your dagger on the right tile. Put the
secret box in the hole created by the displaced tile. Now you must wait until
sun lowers and casts a beam through the window. When this happens, the third
piece of the talisman will be revealed.

Exit the antechamber through the secret door in the wall. After you awaken,
with the monk. During your next dream, click on Kyot the Poet.

Entrance to the Mine

Walk up the hill and speak to the woman. Choose to help her and then after
speaking some more, click on the gate to the mine.

The top row of numbers on the lock should be set at 01, 01, 02, 03, 05. The
bottom row of numbers should be set at 08, 13, 21, 34, 55.

Enter the mine and pick up the following items from the cave floor: a rope
up in your inventory as three pieces of rope), a jug, a wooden platform, and a

Stand in front of the huge water wheel. Combine the rope and jug in your
inventory. Attach the jug to the water wheel. Now cross to the scaffolding next
to the water wheel and click the gutter on the top of the scaffolding. Walk to
the end of the scaffolding and click on the rope. Once the water wheel turns, it
raises the rope from the center of the mineshaft.

Cross to the mineshaft and enter to be lowered deeper into the mine.

Mine Tunnels

You are now in a mine tunnel. Go forward until you have a wall in front of you
and can only go left or right. Go as far left as possible until you find a chain
on the floor. Now go right, and at the second opening you come to (the first
opening is the exit from the mine), go right and take the crowbar. Exit this
room, turn right, and go as far as possible until you reach a bridge.

Step forward onto the bridge. Now turn around and use the crowbar on the boards
behind you. Now turn around and use these boards on the empty space in front of
you. Step forward again and repeat this entire process. Step forward again and
repeat the process, except this time you will not need the crowbar as the boards
have already been loosened. Cross the bridge and then pick up the lantern to
right. Use your lighter on the lantern.

Combine the lantern and chain in your inventory. Now click the burning lantern
the door across from the bridge and then cross the drawbridge.

Gold Room

In this new cave, find a hook and a pulley on the ground. Then use your dagger
cut the net from the frame.

Walk toward the metallic door decorated with eyes. The steps in front of the
have writing across them. Click on the word "Oculo" and take the letters. The
game scene now shifts to a view of sand; you must construct a key by placing the
letters in the sand in the following order: "o-c-l-u-c-O" (the large O will go
over the small o as the last step), and then pick up the key.

Go back to the drawbridge, click on the hole in the drawbridge, and then use the
key you just made on the drawbridge keyhole. This opens the door to the gold
in the cave.

Go into this now-open room and take the gold bars. Combine the gold bars with
net in your inventory.

Now go to the machine in front of the blocked tunnel. There is a beam running
across the top of the machine. At the end of the beam closest to the blocked
tunnel, there is a chain. Click your hook on the chain. Now click your net on
hook. Now click your pulley on the first black joint of the beam and then click
your rope on the pulley. Click on the rope and then use the drag icon to pull

Go through the hole you have created.

Worship Room

Talk to the woman in the room.

Examine the statue of Simon to your right. Take the salt rose from the statue's

Walk towards the window behind the woman and then examine the group of urns on
the left wall. Speak to the woman again and after exhausting all conversation
topics, answer no when she asks you to marry her.

Speak with the woman again, and when she asks you if you are "mad" enough,
yes. Speak with her again and you will be lead to a large burial cavern.

Burial Cavern

Find the following items in the cavern: a cloth, soil, and a jar filled with
Combine the cloth with the jar filled with oil. Click your now-empty jar on the
pool of water next to the Fire statue.

There are five Egyptian-like statues of creatures in the cavern. For now, do not
worry about the one in the center with the protruding tongue. The other four
represent Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. When you click on the triangle on their
foreheads, the element they represent is revealed. You must now, in no

Click on the Earth statue and then click your soil on the statue's mouth.
Click on the Air statue and then click your crowbar on the statue's mouth.
Click on the Fire statue and then click the oily cloth on the statue's mouth.
click your lighter on the cloth.
Click on the Water statue and then click the jar of water on the statue's mouth.
After doing all four statues, you should see a cutscene of a warrior's mask
ejected from the statue with the protruding tongue. Walk to the coffin at the
foot of this statue and take the mask.

Use the warrior's mask on the center of the locked gate. Now use the drag icons
to pull down the horns on each side of the mask. Now enter the room.

Click on the girl and then exit the room. When the warrior attacks, click your
sword on him for easy victory.

You now must make you way back to the statue with the protruding tongue, where
you will place the salt rose at the top of the stairs. The game now presents you
with an overhead view. You are standing to the left and must make your way
through a maze of coffins to the base of the statue. To get there, you must walk
on cemetery mounds. Click on the mounds in the following order from your
position: left, left, forward, forward, right, forward, forward. You will be
attacked twice during your journey, but it takes three hits to kill you.

Once you reach the steps, use the salt rose. Now pick up the rose petals and
return to the young girl. Speak to both girls. After three conversations with
girl on the left, use your sword on her. Return to the creature with the
protruding tongue once again, but this time keep walking up the steps until you
find yourself inside the creature.

Click the rose petals on the jar in the wall directly in front of you.

Go speak to the girl again.


Speak to the woman. She will assemble the amulet. Speak with her again and then
exit through the curtain.

Sit back and enjoy the excellent closing movie.