Mass Effect 3 чит-файл №1

How tO Enable The Console At In Game:

To enable the console, browse to and open the file ...
DocumentsMass EffectConfigBioInput.ini (the full location is mentioned above) in
any text editor (Notepad, for example), but not with rich text editor (Microsoft
Word, OpenOffice Writer, WritePad, and the likes).

In the file you opened, search for [Engine.Console], and add the line
ConsoleKey=Tilde just under it. By default the [Engine.Console] section will

The code addition is marked as colored text

Note: some keyboard layouts, specifically on non-US
English layouts, the Tilde key will map differently, and the game engine will
not recognize the Tilde keyword. In this case, you will need to select a
different key, such as Tab, CapsLock, or any other to functionas the console

Bug: Please be advised that when you shut down your computer, or completely exit
the game for a prolonged period, the BIOInput.ini may be overwritten, and thus
will not have the console enabled.


GiveItem Self nSophistication Qa_SuperGun nmManufacturer Each command require
zero (0) or more arguments to be executed. The GiveItem code works the following

1#The GiveItem command - marked in bold text.

2#The Self keyword - indicates the target for the item (Use Target instead, when
giving an item to a squad member).

3#The Qa_SuperGun item - marked in bold text with the indication of the keyword
string in italic text. Indicates the item you want.

4#The nmManufacturer code - indicates the code of the manufacturer of that item.

5#The nSophistication number - represesnts the 'level' of the item, which is the
roman numeral (I, II, V, X, etc.) you see after the item name, but in the
console is just a number (1-10)

Code Effect
AddTargetToParty - Adds the targeted pawn to your
GiveXP int nValue - Gives [or take] experience to player
cannot lower current level.
GiveTalentPoints int numPoints - Gives [or take] talent points to
GiveBonusTalent int bonusIdentifier - Gives bonus talents to player.
See 'Talent Codes' below.
GiveSpectreTalents - Unlocks Spectre talents.
PickSpecialization - Unlocks bonus classes.
GiveSuperArmor - Gives a light "Survivor X" armor
with 8000 shields.
GiveSuperGun - Gives a geth assault rifle with
25000 points of damage.
GiveAll - Gives one of each weapon, weapon
mod, bioamp, omnitool,
and grenade. Does not give armors.
GiveAllBioAmps string nmManufacturer - Gives all bioamps to player.
GiveAllOmniTools string nmManufacturer - Gives all omnitools to player.
GiveAllGrenades string nmManufacturer - Gives all weapons of grenades to
GiveAllWeapons string nmManufacturer - Gives all weapons of manufacturer to
GiveAllArmor string nmManufacturer - Gives all armors of manufacturer to
GiveAllArmorHuman string nmManufacturer - Gives all human armors of
manufacturer to player.
GiveAllArmorTurian string nmManufacturer - Gives all turian armors of
manufacturer to player.
GiveAllArmorQuarian string nmManufacturer - Gives all quarian armors of
manufacturer to player.
GiveAllArmorKrogan string nmManufacturer - Gives all krogan armors of
manufacturer to player.
GiveAllMods - Gives all weapon and armor mods.
SetParagon int Points - Sets paragon points to specified
value. (340 is max)
SetRenegade int Points - Sets renegade points to specified
value. (340 is max)
AdjustCredits int ####### - Increments or decrements the value
of the party's
credits, to a maximum of 9,999,999.
InitCredits int ####### - Sets the party's current credits to
this amount,
with a maximum value of 9,999,999.
InitSalvage int ### - Sets the amount of the party's total
omni-gel count,
to a maximum value of 999.
KillCurrentTarget - Kills the currently targeted pawn.
SetRunSpeed float speed - Sets your running speed to the
specified value.
UnlockAchievement int nAchievementID - Unlocks an achievement. See
Achievement Codes below.
SetGender int ## - Changes the PC's gender; 0 is male,
1 is female.
Appears to affect body and voice,
but not dialog flags,
and doesn't seem to kick in until
you zone.

Ghost - Disables collision clipping,
prevents falling.
Fly - Disables falling.
Walk - Enables collision clipping and
Teleport - Moves player to location at
At string newArea - Moves player to new area, places
player 'at' the
area specified.
SpawnVehicle - Spawns a Mako vehicle at the cursor
upgradevehicle 6 vehthrusterforcebooster - Triples the thrust (power) of the
Mako underjets.
Exec string filename - Executes a specified file under the
\Program Files\
Mass Effect\Binaries directory...
GiveItem string nmActor int nSophistication string nmItemLabel string
* Gives item to player. Note that the manufacturer string is optional.
determines the 'level' (I, II, III, ... X)

GiveArmor string nmActor int nSophistication string nmArmorLabel
* Gives armor to player.

KillAll BioPawn
* Removes the player's henchmen from the party and all nearby pawns from the
world. This is
reported to cause problems when attempting to play through the full game
without a party.

GiveItem Self string Qa_SuperGun nmManufacturer -
* Gives geth-style Assault Rifle which does 30000 to 40000 damage, depending on
manufacturer string is used. Non-geth manufacturer codes may or may not be